
Ischia is generally a safe destination, even for women travelling alone. The local Police are also generally friendly if not always helpful. There are four main police forces in Italy: the Carabinieri ( black uniform belong to the Ministry of Defence and perform a number of different duties; the Polizia di Stato ( blue tunics and grey pants are part of the Ministry of Interior and perform general police duties such patrolling the highways; Polizia Municipale city police responsible for parking tickets, directing traffic, etc; and Guardia di Finanza ( grey uniforms do customs work, but also check vehicles to make sure owners have paid proper car taxes. If you are robbed, try to find a police station and report it. This is essential to establishing a secure travel insurance claim.


While Italian is the native language on the island, most people working in the tourism industry speak at least one other language, with German and English being the most widely spoken second languages. It should also be noted that the island of Ischia also has its own dialect of Italian, which can make it difficult for visitors to understand at times.


In an emergency, call 113 police or 118 medical first aid. Carry the address of your embassy or consulate.